quinta-feira, 18 de abril de 2019

Shazam (2019)

Shazam: The superhero movie that is so relatable that it´s gonna make you actually want to be a superhero just because of all the fun

"What are your superpowers?
Superpowers? Dude, I don’t even know how to pee in this thing!"

Don't even ask me why I am writing this, because I don't completely know it myself. But the thing is, for some time now, I've been wanting to write not really reviews, but more like thoughts about the movies I watch (because I have been going quite a lot to movies since I've got into college a year ago), and there are two reasons why I never did. First, I usually don't pay enough attention to the movie so that I can write something about it afterward, or (in most cases), I just forget, and then when I remember a few days (or weeks) later, I end up not being able to write a fair text about it.

But for this movie, also known as Shazam, I feel like it's time to put my thoughts into the paper, or even better, on the computer. I confess that at first, when I saw the trailer a few months ago, I was extremely excited about this new movie, mainly because it didn't look like a dark movie at all, like other DC Universe movies (which I actually do like, by the way), but it looked like a really good comedy instead, like a fun superhero movie. But then, the moment finally came, the movie came out in theaters, and I was very uneasy to watch it. Not only because I was afraid I was not gonna enjoy it, cause there was always that chance that the trailer would be better than the movie itself (like Suicide Squad, #sorrynotsorry), but also because I don't know how it is where you live, but here in my city the movie ticket can be quite expensive. Nevertheless, I decided to go for it and watch the movie.

And what a movie. I reckon that it´s been a long time since I laughed so much and got (kind of) scared at the same movie. I feel like for the first time I´m watching a superhero film and it actually felt like it. It was realistic (or as realistic as it could be), funny but also dark, and extremely relatable, especially for teenagers and young adults, which I think were the main viewing target of the film. I believe that what it mainly separated this movie from other superhero movies was the fact that the hero was ecstatic to be who he was, he was given this powers and, unlike a lot of other superheroes, he didn´t manage to find it as great burden or anything like that, he was a happy as a kid on Christmas day is and probably reacted the way many teens (and kids) would react if they got superpowers out of the blue.

Not only did the hero, Billy, not know how to manage all this power that was given to him, since he was so overwhelmed with everything he could do and was pretty happy to have all the attention he was given, but he had his own life to piece together throughout the movie. By adding bits and pieces here and there, the movie was able to focus not merely on the Shazam´s powers but also on every other secondary character on the story. We know a bit of everyone´s personalities and that´s something really comforting in a big movie like that, that usually just focus on a maximum of three main characters and doesn't really bother to give anyone else an actual personality. But in here, we know that his bigger sister got into an excellent college (so she's probably really smart), one of his brothers really likes videogames, another is really into comic books and the younger sister is just the sweetest little girl, who has a lot more lines than you would expect for a movie like Shazam.

Although I really did enjoy all the comedy, I have to take a small space in here to say just how happy I was to see another movie that showed a foster family. I feel that, especially when I was younger, I used to see a lot of films where if there was a foster family, they resembled a terrible environment and the last place a kid would want to be. But thankfully, looks like Hollywood has been watching some youtube vlogs and realized that not every foster home is like that, showing that it might actually not be a nightmare to have a bunch of brothers and sisters and parents who love you and that they definitely deserve that classification since even not being blood-related, they can love the person just as they truly were.

Even though the movie does talk about some serious issues, such as the plot with Billy and his mother, I think that another great point in the movie it´s its comedy. Cause as well as making use of simple jokes that anyone could catch, it made implicit jokes in the way that only adults would possibly understand, and that plus all the dark and action stuff happening throughout all the movie just makes the views entertained during the entire movie. And since I am normally really bad on making a conclusion, I´ll just go straight to the point. It was better than I expected, definitely better than the last DC movies I´ve seen, with a great cast and delightful script, it is able to keep the viewer from going to the bathroom during the entire two hours of the movie.

written by a non-native English speaker trying to study to the Cambridge exam while having fun.

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